On December 31, 2024, SendGift will permanently cease its operations.

Gift Ideas: Tickets for events

Sports Events

Here are some ideas that you will love.

Give away tickets to attend any sporting event.

Wrap and send your gift with SendGift in the most original way.

The recipient can easily download the tickets after opening the gift.

It will be an amazing surprise.

SendGift wraps all kinds of gifts that can be sent digitally

Maybe you have never seen a digitally wrapped gift, or didn't even know they existed. SendGift will take care of wrapping yours in an incredible way.

A congratulations video or a song by a famous artist will be a perfect gift that surely surprises.

You can also wrap gifts or experiences you have already purchased and send them digitally.


Tickets for events

Arts & Theater

Arts & Theater

Concerts & Music Festivals

Concerts & Music Festivals


We offer you different gift ideas that can be wrapped and sent digitally.

Discover it now!